How Bitxoe Escrow Works?

Bitxoe escrow service is a mediator service that keeps the money for a transaction in safekeeping until the Bitcoins are handed over. Escrow protects buyers from fraudulent sellers by requiring the Bitcoin to be deposited up front, before any money changes hands.

Step #1

Create an Account

In the very first step, you have to create an account to use bitxoe escrow service.

Step #2

Verify your Email Address

Check your mail inbox to verify your email and complete the registration process.

Step #3

Deposit Bitcoins

You must have bitcoins in your bitxoe wallet to start an escrow wtransaction.
You have to deposit bitcoins in your bitxoe wallet!

Step #4

Create New Transaction

Start a new escrow transaction, mention the timeline, amount and other asked information. You must know your the username of your partner user whith whom you want to get involved with bit escrow transaction.

Step #5

Set The Terms

You must set the escrow transaction terms carefully that must be completed by your partner user.

Step #6

Wait For Acceptance

Your partner user can either accept or decline the transaction. If they accept the escrow transaction offer, it can't be calncelled.

Step #7

Ongoing Transaction

Once the partner will accept the offer, the transaction terms into ongoing transaction which can't be cancelled.

Step #8

Wait For Partner to Finish Task

Whenever your partner user reached the goal, finished the assigned job or delivered the product/services, they can mark it as complete.

Step #9

Verify & Release Bitcoins

Once the objective of escrow tranaction is complete, you can release the bitcoins.

Step #10

>>>? Dispute Transaction

If not, you can dispute the transaction and a neutral moderator will be assigned to your case to help resolve the dispute.

Step #11

Funds Released

Transaction has been successfully completed and funds have been transferred to your partner wallet.
They can now withdraw the funds!